Sanitation Hacks for the Restaurant Industry

3 Options to Consider for Repairing or Replacing Failing Septic Systems

The old septic system of your business may be failing and need replacing. What is causing the problems? What can be done to repair the system, or is replacement the best option? These are the questions that you may have when your septic system fails. Here are some of the options to consider for dealing with a failing septic system and get it working again:

1. Leaking Concrete Tanks & Retrofitting Them with Liners

Many older commercial septic systems are made with concrete tanks, but this could be a problem for your business. Over the years, concrete septic systems often develop cracks in the tank and begin to leak. A Commercial septic system inspection service can test the tank for potential leaks.

If the tank is only leaking, consider installing a liner to retrofit the tank. Liners can only be used on tanks that are relatively new and have no serious structural problems. Retrofitting the tank with a liner will also help to prevent problems like deterioration of baffles inside the tank.

2. Improving a Failing Drain Field with Distribution Box & Additional Lines

Older septic systems may also have the problem of failing drain fields, which need to be repaired or replaced. Often, repairs to drain fields are only a temporary solution until they can be replaced. When you have a failing drain field replaced, install a distribution box and additional drain lines to help improve the system and prevent problems. For over saturated soils, two drain fields can be alternated to prevent filtration and soil problems.

3. Outdated & Failing Septic Tanks That Need to Be Completely Replaced

Sometimes, septic systems may be so outdated and old that the only option is to replace the entire system. Have a septic inspection service evaluate the septic tank, drain field and other components of your system to decide if a complete replacement is needed. Often, the old concrete septic systems have failing structures, are under sized for business use or have insufficient drain fields. It may be better to invest in a larger septic system that is designed for business use, rather than just doing repairs to the system.

These are some of the options that you will want to consider when replacing or repairing a failing septic system. Contact a commercial septic tank inspection service like Rob's Septic Tanks Inc and talk with them about some of these options for waste treatment for your business. 
