Sanitation Hacks for the Restaurant Industry

Here's Why Your Septic Tank Needs Pumped Out Sooner Than You Expect

If you own a home with a septic tank, you know the tank needs pumped on a regular basis or you'll run into sewer problems. The ideal solution is to establish a regular schedule for the pumping truck to come to your home so you never forget and let the tank get too full. If you've been experiencing problems lately with drains being slow to empty or sewer smells wafting through the air, your tank may need serviced ahead of schedule. If so, you may need to reevaluate the timing of the pumping truck visits or how you're using the septic system. Here are some things that can cause your tank to fill up faster than you expect.

Changes In Family Status

The frequency of septic tank pumping depends on how much waste and water go down the drains. The tank has a fixed size, so if there is a sudden increase in water volume or waste going down the drain, the tank will need to be pumped out more often. If your kids have grown into their teen years, or if your elderly parents have moved in, it could make a difference in how much water your household uses. You may not be able to cut down on the extra water use when there are more people living in your home, so the best solution is to have your tank pumped more often so it doesn't overflow and cause problems.

A New Garbage Disposal

If you've always wanted a garbage disposal and finally realized your dream, you may notice it fills up your septic tank quicker. If you use the disposal often, such as with every meal, and you send a lot of food to the tank, it will fill up faster. The tank allows solids to sink to the bottom of the tank where bacteria break it up into sludge. The tank must be pumped out when the sludge layer is a certain depth or waste may leak into your yard or back up in your sewer drain. Since you may wait a few years between pumping visits, that allows a long time for food to go down the drain and settle in the tank. You may need to schedule more frequent tank cleanings if you use your new garbage disposal a lot.

Increased Water Use

When too much water goes into your tank, it overwhelms the system. It can flush solids from the bottom of the tank, which means you have to have the tank pumped more often than is really necessary. Some things that cause an increase in water use is the addition of a clothes washing machine, new dishwasher, and leaky faucets. If you have a fairly new home with a newer tank, this might not be a problem. However, if your home is older and the tank was installed before homes used as much water as they do today, you may run into problems when you suddenly start using more water with a washer or dishwasher. To combat this, be sure to fix any leaky plumbing and running toilets. You can also limit showers and use water saving devices on faucets and toilets to conserve as much water as possible. Otherwise, you'll need to have the tank pumped more often, which is less expensive than installing a larger tank.

In addition, be careful about what you pour down the drains. Harsh chemicals, paper materials, and grease can disrupt the system. If the balance of bacteria is disturbed, solids won't be broken down into sludge as efficiently, and that means you'll have to pump the tank more often. For more information, talk to a professional like The Outhouse.
